miguel bracamontes

a wwweb enthusiast

reading or watching

about my newest fixation with a stephen king trilogy and the tv adaptation

i've been watching the "mr. mercedes" television series, an adaptation of the novels by stephen king. i received the first book of the trilogy, "mr. mercedes," in a christmas gift exchange because my work friend knew that stephen king is my favorite author and that i was looking for his newest book at the time. the novel was released in 2014 and, at that moment, was the only king book that i had not read. sadly, i've lost track of king's releases a long time ago, and as of now, i'm not as up-to-date as i used to be.

now, the trilogy of books has been adapted into a television series produced by at&t, and stephen king himself acts as the executive producer for the series. to tell the truth, it's an amazing piece of television and a spot-on adaptation of the books, at least the first one.

at first, i must admit, i felt a little strange when season one ended and the story was about to continue. i thought it was an old and overused television script trick to make it last longer. but it was right then when i realized that the bill hodges story was actually a trilogy, and that two more books were written after the absolute banger that i loved reading, "mr. mercedes." i actually did not know that. so the rest of the seasons are just based on those other two books that i don't know.

i quickly was presented with a dilemma: do i enjoy watching or reading my stories the most? that's really hard and a little unfair, because i truly love both ways. however, since this story came into my life in a written manner, it's only romantic and fair to say that i must stop spoiling myself with what comes next for the characters by watching the tv series and i better start reading the books. starting with the second reading of the first installment and then moving on to the discovery of the two remaining pieces, which, at this point, remains kind of virgin territory for me. “kind of” because i am in the middle of season two on the tv series, ups.

i am excited about this finding and the plan it came with. although it's a really heavy reading queue, the books are already waiting in my kindle, ready to be read, so beginning will be easy. what worries me is being completely absorbed by this new hyper-fixation and absent everywhere until it's done. but 🤷‍♂️